In 2019, we launched a simple app to fix a complex problem – engaging employees and boosting their wellbeing. Here’s how we do it.
The best organisations to work for are those where employee’s views really matter. Where people feel comfortable to speak up about what’s on their mind. And everyone works together to make things better. When companies get this right, engagement soars! And studies show that being and feeling well drive staff retention, productivity, and profits.
The traditional approach to engagement and wellbeing has included methods such as surveys. Polls have their place, but they’re slow and impersonal. What’s more, they fail to capture the “in the moment” thoughts, feelings, and ideas of your people. Trickle flips this approach, empowering employees to feed information from the ground up. After all, innovation can and should come from anywhere and anyone in a company.
Our app lets employees make suggestions, raise concerns and reach out for support – at any time. Trickle shows what your people are most passionate about, highlights areas to improve, and tracks your progress. You’ll show you’re listening because you really are. And working together, you’ll make things better for your people and the organisation.
We’re proud to have commercial and public sectors clients from around the world. Our users work from home, the office, and out in the field. Wherever your people work from, their experience should be at the core of your organisation’s strategy. And by putting people first, you’ll build better workplaces and do better business.
Trickle has allowed us to attend to our people, to listen to what’s being said and not said, to understand what’s really important, and to ask how can we help?
Dr Achyut Valluri Training Lead for the Acute Medical Unit in NHS TaysideTrickle has been great for providing a safe space to put forward ideas, debate and generally discuss. We always struggled to get input from the wider team and Trickle has been great with opening that up.
Rob Simpson Head of Housing at Aberdeenshire Council“Our platform gives your people a voice within the organisation that is not only heard but also acted upon. It empowers everyone at all levels across the organisation to contribute to and impact their company culture.”
Paul Reid, Trickle CEO