Trickle helps you build a better workplace and do better business. Lots of organisations know that employee engagement and wellbeing is important. But some find it hard to pin down what these terms even mean – let alone address the factors that drive them.
Trickle gives you the platform to transform your company’s culture, improve communication and increase productivity that drives business performance.
Research shows that a strong sense of workplace belonging and inclusion leads to a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% reduction in staff turnover, and a 75% decrease in sick days.
Trickle helps you to build a psychologically safe and trusted workplace environment that gives your employees a voice so you can address issues and make improvements together. And when people are being heard, recognised and valued – engagement soars!
When employees interact with Trickle, the app conveniently ranks what’s most pressing. This allows you to focus your efforts on the areas that matter so you can tackle issues fast, drive positive change, track progress, measure the impact and celebrate team wins.
Trickle lets you take a temperature check on how people are doing or feeling. It shows sentiment in the moment and allows you to monitor changes over time. All data captured in Trickle remains anonymous so employees can be truthful without fear and organisations can reveal a clear picture of what’s going well and what requires action.
Studies show that engaged employees are happier, healthier and more productive. They have fewer sick days and are more likely to stick around.
On the flip side, poor engagement leads to poor mental health, absenteeism and staff turnover. Let’s look at the stats.
Trickle’s Insights dashboard shows you how your teams are doing, the most pressing issues, how people are engaging and how many are being recognised. With real-time insights you can easily drive improvements and identify opportunities to make more strategic decisions – for the health of your people and your business.
Trickle gives every employee a voice, tools to improve their wellbeing and a means to seek safe and confidential support. Our in-app wellbeing tool, ‘How was your day?’, gives employees a simple way to monitor their personal wellbeing and understand what aspects positively or negatively contribute to their day. They log what’s affecting their mood and receive a weekly digest to make positive changes for better days.
Did you know, almost 80% of people leave their jobs because of lack of recognition? With Trickle, you can give praise, celebrate achievements, and hold onto talented employees.
Employees who feel appreciated and valued for their efforts are more productive, able to complete tasks better, and demonstrate a greater sense of belonging. Trickle fosters a culture of recognition with individual and group praise that can be sent in the moment by managers and others to offer peer-to-peer appreciation that’s more personal.
The ‘new normal’ is anything but. Remote workers feel isolated, an ‘always-on’ culture is burning us out, and going into work brings its own stresses.
At this difficult time, Trickle lets you check in with all your people, keep them informed about what’s happening, and build stronger relationships with each other.
Using Trickle’s modern and dynamic approach to proactive employee engagement, wellbeing and recognition you can drive positive organisational change with tangible business returns.
Our platform is a safe space to facilitate employee-led improvements that allows organisations to make positive and meaningful changes by tackling what matters most to their people as they surface.
We’d love to show you Trickle in action and help you learn about the various ways we’ve helped to improve workplaces for our customers. Why not book a 30 minute demo with one of our friendly team?
Trickle has allowed us to attend to our people, to listen to what’s being said and not said, to understand what’s really important, and to ask how can we help?
Dr Achyut Valluri NHS TaysideTrickle has been great for providing a safe space to put forward ideas, debate and generally discuss. We always struggled to get input from the wider team and Trickle has been great with opening that up.
Rob Simpson Aberdeenshire CouncilYou can login to the Trickle on your desktop at or simply search for ‘Trickle’ in your mobile app store to download.
Pricing is determined by the number of users and our Trickle licence runs annually. If you’d like pricing for your organisation contact us and we can quickly provide you with a no-obligation quote.
Yes! All user data is completely anonymous.